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紐約訊2021-07-31 18:26:23

(處:齡軒有國界議員)會閔總種聯的國的"國"的"參選""參選""2021聯""國亞""選 決賽""大"麗們"決賽"決賽"麗們"國亞"會"決賽"會"決賽"會"決賽"會"會"齡軒""決賽"決賽"麗們"閔總"會""來臺灣的議員位有名的齡軒(喬伊斯·揚)、特榮·吉諾參·卡開吉禮賽特·吉德·吉特 聯國17項續發標動的選項為恭喜各位佳麗成為選美決賽者,每一位都是來自於各個國家優秀具有智慧、美麗的和平使者,全球暖化,造成天災頻傳,同時也造成許多國家生命財產損失,未來人類會面臨糧食危機、能源危機、通貨膨脹及Covid 19疫情肆虐,許多國家人民的傷亡,經濟指數下滑,我們瞭解生為地球的一分子,應該惜福,還給地球新氣象,在聯合國17項持續發展目標, 每一項的重要性,需要在座長官、貴賓、佳麗們,媒體記者好朋友們及齡軒本人在未來宣導及身體力行。

1. 消除各地一切形式的貧窮
2. 消除饑餓,達成糧食安全,改善營養及促進永續農業
3. 確保健康及促進各年齡層的福祉
4. 確保有教無類、公平以及高品質的教育,及提倡終身學習
5. 實現性別平等,並賦予婦女權力
6. 確保所有人都能享有水及衛生及永續管理
7. 確保所有的人都可取得負擔得起、可靠的、永續的,及現代的能源
8. 促進包容且永續的經濟成長,達到全面且有生產力的就業,讓每一個人都有一份好工作
9. 建立具有韌性的基礎建設,促進包容且永續的工業,並加速創新
10. 減少國內及國家間不平等
11. 促使城市與人類居住具包容、安全、韌性及永續性
12. 確保永續消費及生產模式
13. 採取緊急措施以因應氣候變遷及其影響
14. 保育及永續利用海洋與海洋資源,以確保永續發展
15. 保護、維護及促進陸域生態系統的永續使用,永續的管理森林,對抗沙漠化,終止及逆轉土地劣化,並遏止生物多樣性的喪失
16. 促進和平且包容社會,以落實永續發展;提供司法管道給所有人;在所有階層建立有效的、負責的且包容的制度
17. 強化永續發展執行方法及活化永續發展全球夥伴關係
goodmorning!  I am from Taichung CityCouncillor  Jan Lin Hsuan (Joyce Jan),and I am honored to participate in the opening ceremony today. This event is acharity event supporting the United Nations' 17 sustainable development goals.The contestants are all 17 spokespersons.  Congratulations to all thebeauties for becoming the finalists of the beauty pageant. Everyone is anoutstanding, intelligent and beautiful peace ambassador from various countries.Global warming has caused frequent natural disasters and also caused the lossof life and property in many countries. In the future, humanity will face afood crisis.  The energy crisis, inflationand the Covid 19 epidemic are raging, people in many countries have sufferedcasualties, and economic indicators have declined. We understand that to be apart of the earth, we should cherish our blessings and give the earth a newlook. In the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals, each  The importance of this requires the leaders, distinguishedguests, beauties, media reporters, friends, and Lin Hsuan(Joyce) to promote andpractice in the future.
Joyce comes from Taiwan, Asia.The four seasons are distinct. The people are enthusiastic, kind and diligent.They have multiple religions (Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Muslims), anddiverse ethnic groups (including: other provinces, Minnan, Hakka, aborigines,new residents: Southeast Asia, Europe and America)  The country) has a population of more than 23 millionpeople. We coexist and prosper in this land. Lingxuan and the people of Taiwan striveto make cross-strait peace and world peace promote as one family in the world. Taiwan is onthe first island chain, with Asia-Pacific and international  An important strategic location as a security hub. Taiwan is a peace bridge between mainland China and othercountries. It is willing to be friends with the world. For example, the songsung by Mike Jackson: Save the Earth, and let the next generation and the nextgeneration have beauty, cleanliness, freedom, and peace.  happy life.
Ling Hsuan (Joyce )thankedthe United States and the United Nations for giving such a good opportunity toTaichung City Councillor RJan Lin Hsuan( Joyce Jan) from Taiwan. I cherish itand I am willing to work with all the distinguished guests and beauties to promotethe United Nations 17 goals and continue to contribute to the earth.  Mankind’s meaningful development efforts.
Finally, I wish theconference a complete success!  The chairman of theconference, distinguished guests, beauties, and friends from journalists are ingood health and everything goes well!

1. 消除各地一切形式的貧困
2. Eliminatehunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainableagriculture
3. Ensurehealth and promote the well-being of all age groups
4. Ensurethat there is no class, fair and high-quality education, and promote lifelonglearning
5. Achievegender equality and empower women
6. Ensurethat everyone has access to water and sanitation and sustainable management
7. Ensurethat all people have access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modernenergy
8. Promoteinclusive and sustainable economic growth, achieve comprehensive and productiveemployment, and let everyone have a good job
9. Build aresilient infrastructure, promote an inclusive and sustainable industry, andaccelerate innovation
10. Reducedomestic and inter-country inequality
11. Promotecities and human settlements to be inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
12. Ensuresustainable consumption and production models
13. Takeemergency measures to respond to climate change and its impact
14. Conserveand sustainably use the ocean and marine resources to ensure sustainabledevelopment
15. Protect,maintain and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainablymanage forests, combat desertification, stop and reverse land degradation, andcurb the loss of biodiversity
16. Promotea peaceful and inclusive society to implement sustainable development; providejudicial channels to all; establish an effective, responsible and inclusivesystem at all levels
17.Strengthen sustainable development implementation methods and activatesustainable development global partnerships


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